Foto: Marte Elice Kjølstad

Tuesdays for Moms with Babies/Toddlers at Borgen Innbyggertorg An English-speaking activity at 11.00-13, similar to Barseltorsdag activity in Norwegian

The activity is held in room “Peacock”:

·        Song for/with baby/toddler

·        Short video related to childhood in Norway  

·        Get in contact with those who meet

Prams may be inside the room or right outside the big windows, if wanted.

Mats, some chairs and some toys are there. Tea, coffee and fruit will be served. If you like, you can bring your own meal for yourself or/and the baby/toddler. Café “KIME”  is also available in the same building.

Organizers and leading the acitivity:

Lina Baltrukoniene, counsellor at Betanien and Kulturhagen, Phone: 986 18 797

Hege Sørmo, public nurse at Borgen helsestasjon, Phone: 954 67 195

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